Contact Details
Charleville National School
Church View
Co Offaly R35 CX20
Telephone: (057) 934 1581
E-mail: office@charlevillens.ie
Office Hours
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am – 2:50 pm.
Mrs Dillon will be in the office on these days and is more than happy to take/return calls and deal with any queries that you may have. Otherwise a message can be left on the answer machine or an email sent in. As Ms Mollison is a Teaching Principal it may not be possible for her to deal with queries during school hours unless it is urgent. Please use your child’s homework diary to send notes to the Class Teacher.
Do you have a question for us?
If you want to contact us by e-mail then fill in the contact form below and click on ‘Submit’ to mail it to us.
We guarantee that your e-mail address is used for no purpose other than replying to you – which we undertake to do as quickly as we can.